Tuberville sug­gests Ukrain­ian lead­ers are spend­ing mon­ey US gives them on ‘beach hous­es all over the world’

Tuberville suggests Ukrainian leaders are spending money US gives them on ‘beach houses all over the world’

Sen. Tom­my Tuberville (R‑AL) sug­gest­ed that Ukrain­ian lead­ers are spend­ing Unit­ed States aid mon­ey on “beach hous­es all over the world.”
In an appear­ance on News­max, Tuberville bemoaned the finan­cial sit­u­a­tion of the U.S., urg­ing the gov­ern­ment to focus on that before send­ing out any for­eign funds. He turned his atten­tion to Ukraine, where he claimed that U.S. aid mon­ey was being squan­dered on the per­son­al needs of Ukrain­ian lead­ers.
“We are print­ing $80,000 a sec­ond, bor­row­ing $80,000 a sec­ond, $4.6 mil­lion a minute!” he said. “And we’re think­ing about giv­ing Ukraine more mon­ey to waste — these peo­ple can’t buy any more hous­es, and what they bought, they’ve got beach hous­es all over the world. Let’s start think­ing about our coun­try.”
Among the usu­al­ly haw …