Sum­mer dri­ving sea­son isn’t the only thing dri­ving the price of gas back up

Summer driving season isn’t the only thing driving the price of gas back up

Cal­i­for­nia has seen gas prices rock­et back over $5 per gal­lon on aver­age as the nation­al aver­age hit $3.60 on Tues­day. Ris­ing oil prices due to trou­ble abroad and oth­er rea­sons were cit­ed for the increase.
Aver­age prices have increased by almost 50 cents in Cal­i­for­nia and just over 20 cents nation­al­ly in a month’s time, accord­ing to AAA. Wash­ing­ton, D.C., Mary­land, and Vir­ginia have all seen increas­es of 23, 27, and 21 cents in the same span of time.
“Renewed Ukrain­ian attacks on Russia’s oil infra­struc­ture and increas­ing ten­sion in the Mid­dle East spiked oil prices recent­ly,” said Andrew Gross, an AAA spokesman. “And with the cost of oil account­ing for rough­ly 60% of what we pay at the pump, there will like­ly be some upward pres­sure on …

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