Unit­ed King­dom des­per­ate to per­suade Trump Repub­li­cans to approve Ukraine aid

United Kingdom desperate to persuade Trump Republicans to approve Ukraine aid

Ukraine’s forces “can win this war” if the Unit­ed States and oth­er West­ern pow­ers pro­vide the nec­es­sary fund­ing and weapon­ry to fend off Russia’s inva­sion, accord­ing to the Unit­ed Kingdom’s top diplo­mat, David Cameron.
“We know that if we give the Ukraini­ans the sup­port they deserve, they can win this war,” Cameron, the British For­eign Sec­re­tary told reporters at the State Depart­ment. “They can achieve the just peace that they deserve.”
Cameron out­lined a range of ini­tia­tives that could sup­port the larg­er war effort, includ­ing an intent to give Ukraine “mon­ey in the form of the frozen Russ­ian sov­er­eign assets.” His dis­cus­sions of that mat­ter with Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken stood as just one com­po­nent of his trip to the Unit­ed States, as British offi­cials scram­ble to tip the bal­ance in a stand­off between Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA), who faces the risk of a mutiny just months after tak­ing over from his oust­ed pre­de­ces­sor.
“It’s pro­found­ly in your inter­est, your secu­ri­ty, and your future, and the future of all your part­ners, to release this mon­ey and let it through,” Cameron said. “We know it’s right to send this very clear mes­sage to all those watch­ing around the world, includ­ing Chi­na, th …