‘We Lost America’s Trust’: NPR Vet­er­an Says Net­work Has ‘Lost Its Way’

‘We Lost America’s Trust’: NPR Veteran Says Network Has ‘Lost Its Way’

A 25-year NPR vet­er­an wrote a scathing op-ed say­ing that his net­work had “lost its way,” point­ing to var­i­ous exam­ples, includ­ing cov­er­age of trans­gen­der issues and the refusal to use terms like “bio­log­i­cal sex.”
In The Free Press arti­cle titled, “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust,” NPR Senior Busi­ness Edi­tor Uri Berlin­er wrote that “an open-mind­ed, curi­ous cul­ture pre­vailed,” pre­vi­ous­ly — but said that had all changed and now “we don’t have an audi­ence that reflects Amer­i­ca.” The biggest prob­lem he has seen at NPR is the lack of “view­point diver­si­ty.”
“It’s fric­tion­less — one sto­ry after anoth­er about instances of sup­posed racism, trans­pho­bia, signs of the cli­mate apoc­a­lypse, Israel doing some­thing bad, and the dire threat of Repub­li­can poli­cies,” Berlin­er said, adding that all appeared to be cov­ered and framed in the same fash­ion. After Georg …