Ailes-Hat­ing Van­i­ty Fair Scribe: EEK, Here Comes ‘Ter­ri­fy­ing­ly Com­pe­tent’ Trump!

<div>Ailes-Hating Vanity Fair Scribe: EEK, Here Comes 'Terrifyingly Competent' Trump!</div>

Remem­ber when the media mocked Don­ald Trump for being incom­pe­tent? Well, that is now old news. Nowa­days a new nar­ra­tive is devel­op­ing that Trump is actu­al­ly very com­pe­tent and that ter­ri­fies many jour­nal­ists includ­ing Gabriel Sher­man, a spe­cial cor­re­spon­dent at Van­i­ty Fair.
Sher­man wrote a nasty book about Fox News boss Roger Ailes titled The Loud­est Voice in the Room that came out ten years ago. (Trump was men­tioned once, very briefly.) He described his ter­ror on Thurs­day with a piece titled “Inside the Ter­ri­fy­ing­ly Com­pe­tent Trump 2024 Cam­paign.” The sub­ti­tle of his hor­ror tale even includ­ed this ter­ror alert for oth­ers, “How wor­ried should you be? Very.”

If Trump wins back the White House, his increas­ing­ly extreme and vio­lent rhetoric is poised to become pol­i­cy. The New York Times report­ed Trump plans to order mass roundups of undoc­u­ment­ed immi­grants and detain them in depor­ta­tion camps. Trump has promised to direct the Jus­tice Depart­ment to pros­e­cute Joe Biden. At a ral­ly in Feb­ru­ary, Trump said he would …