Mis­souri Sen­ate Pass­es Amend­ment Ban­ning Non‑U.S. Cit­i­zens From Vot­ing, Elim­i­nat­ing Ranked-Choice Vot­ing

Missouri Senate Passes Amendment Banning Non-U.S. Citizens From Voting, Eliminating Ranked-Choice Voting

The Mis­souri Sen­ate approved a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment to ban non‑U.S. cit­i­zens from vot­ing and also ban ranked-choice vot­ing.
The bill, SJR 78, if passed by the Mis­souri House, would present the amend­ment on the Novem­ber bal­lot.
“The amend­ment pro­vides that only cit­i­zens of the Unit­ed States over the age of 18 who are res­i­dents of Mis­souri and of the polit­i­cal sub­di­vi­sion in which they offer to vote are enti­tled to vote at all elec­tions,” the bill states. “This amend­ment spec­i­fies that all elec­tions shall be by paper bal­lot or by any mechan­i­cal method pre­scribed by law. Fur­ther­more, vot­ers shall only be enti­tled to one vote for each issue on the bal­lot and the same amount of votes for each office as there are seats to be filled at the elec­tion. Under no cir­cum­stance shall a vot­er be per­mit­ted to cast a bal­lot in a man­ner that results in the rank­ing of can­di­dates for a par­tic­u­lar office.”
“The can­di­date that receives the great­est num­ber of votes in a polit­i­cal par­ty pri­ma­ry shall be the only can­di­date for that polit­i­cal par­ty at the gen­er­al elec­tion,” the bill …