Biden Makes Numer­ous False Claims About Sec­ond Amend­ment Dur­ing Uni­vi­sion Inter­view

Biden Makes Numerous False Claims About Second Amendment During Univision Interview

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden made numer­ous false claims about the Sec­ond Amend­ment dur­ing an inter­view that aired this week on Uni­vi­sion.
Biden made the remarks dur­ing the inter­view, which aired Tues­day, when asked by Enrique Aceve­do about his anti-gun agen­da, espe­cial­ly as it per­tains to parts of the coun­try that have large num­bers of Lati­nos that have expe­ri­enced mass shoot­ings.
When asked if he would take “exec­u­tive action” to lim­it America’s Sec­ond Amend­ment rights if he wins re-elec­tion, Biden respond­ed: “Absolute­ly. Look, I, along with Dianne Fein­stein, passed the first lim­i­ta­tion on assault weapons and the num­ber of bul­lets that could be in a rifle. The idea any­body needs 100 rounds on a rifle and an AR-15.”
Biden false­ly claimed that “we don’t have …