Illi­nois tax­pay­er costs for state work­ers’ ‘Cadil­lac’ health plans increase 16%

Illinois taxpayer costs for state workers’ ‘Cadillac’ health plans increase 16%

(The Cen­ter Square) – Illi­nois tax­pay­ers will be pay­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly more so state employ­ees can have “Cadil­lac” health insur­ance cov­er­age. 
The Com­mis­sion on Gov­ern­ment Fore­cast­ing and Account­abil­i­ty met Tues­day in Spring­field to review the fis­cal year 2025 state employ­ees’ group insur­ance pro­gram. Accord­ing to the 2025 bud­get plan, the State Employ­ee Group Health and Life Insur­ance pro­gram is pro­posed to receive more than $6.9 bil­lion, a 21% over­all increase from last year, when the pro­gram received $5.7 bil­lion.
The state’s tax­pay­ers …