Israel warns Iran of retal­ia­to­ry strike if pro­voked

Israel warned on Wednes­day that it would retal­i­ate against Iran if the Islam­ic Repub­lic were to strike Israel, the Asso­ci­at­ed Press report­ed. The com­ments came from the country’s For­eign Min­is­ter Israel Katz as ten­sions between the two coun­tries con­tin­ue to esca­late. 
“If Iran attacks from its ter­ri­to­ry, Israel will respond and attack in Iran,” Israel Katz said in a post on X, for­mer­ly Twit­ter, the AP report­ed.
Katz issued the warn­ing after Iran’s Supreme Leader Aya­tol­lah Ali Khamenei promised Iran would fight back against the coun­try after sev­er­al mem­bers of Iran’s mil­i­tary were killed dur­ing an Israeli strike on an Iran­ian con­sulate in Syr­ia on April 1. Among the vic­tims were Gen. Moham­mad Reza Zahe­di, leader of the country’s Quds Force, and Zahedi’s deputy, Gen. Moham­mad Hadi Hajri­ahi­mi. Five oth­er offi­cers were also killed, accord­ing …