MTG plans meet­ing with John­son as she dan­gles threat to take speaker’s gav­el away

MTG plans meeting with Johnson as she dangles threat to take speaker’s gavel away

Rep. Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene (R‑GA) said she plans to meet with House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) for the first time since she intro­duced a motion to vacate the speak­er­ship.
Greene and John­son didn’t meet after they were sup­posed to talk last week, but they have exchanged texts since the motion to vacate was filed. The Geor­gia Repub­li­can filed the motion to vacate pri­or to the House’s two-week recess, which end­ed on Tues­day. The meet­ing is planned before votes in the House on Wednes­day, accord­ing to Greene.

MTG says she’s plan­ning to speak with John­son lat­er today as motion to vacate threat remains over his head
— Cami Mon­deaux (@cami_mondeaux) April 10, 2024

“Mike John­son doesn’t have the trust of the con­fer­ence,” Greene said on Wednes­day. “And that’s become very clear.”
Greene did not file the motion to vacate as a priv­i­leged res­o­lu­tion, mean­ing it does not require imme­di­ate action, and the con­gress­woman said she has …