Three ways Speak­er Johnson’s gav­el has forced the one-time rebel to change his tune

Three ways Speaker Johnson’s gavel has forced the one-time rebel to change his tune

House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) was once a rep­re­sen­ta­tive who large­ly flew under the radar and was unknown nation­al­ly.
He opposed Ukraine fund­ing in the ear­ly days of Russia’s war in Ukraine, but now, as speak­er, he must work for com­pro­mise in a large­ly divid­ed Con­gress, forc­ing him to change his tune. Going from being a Ukraine fund­ing skep­tic to back­ing more spend­ing isn’t the only posi­tion the speak­er has changed since ris­ing to the top of the cham­ber.
And the shift­ing hasn’t gone unno­ticed by Johnson’s allies inside and out­side the Capi­tol.
“House Judi­cia­ry Com­mit­tee Mem­ber Mike John­son has a bone to pick with Speak­er of the House Mike John­son,” Adam Bran­don, the pres­i­dent of Free­dom­Works, a cen­ter-right advo­ca­cy group, told the New York Times.
Aid for Ukraine
John­son was opposed to send­ing cash sup­port to Ukraine in the ear­ly days of Russia’s inva­sion. At the time, he point­ed to prob­lems …