When Will the Cop Killings End?

Anoth­er day, anoth­er dead New York City police offi­cer, anoth­er griev­ing wid­ow.
The famil­iar­i­ty of these inci­dents should breed more than con­tempt. Instead, we get mean­ing­less con­dem­na­tions from politi­cians who are respon­si­ble for putting dis­trict attor­neys in office that do not pro­tect the pub­lic. Too many of them release career crim­i­nals, some of whom com­mit new crimes, includ­ing the mur­der of cops.
The lat­est, but like­ly not the last if things don’t change, is the wid­ow of slain New York Ci …