Whoopi: Repub­li­cans ‘Want To Bring Slav­ery Back’

Posted in Trump
Whoopi: Republicans ‘Want To Bring Slavery Back’

Whoopi Gold­berg claimed on Wednes­day that Repub­li­cans were doing their best to “bring slav­ery back,” sug­gest­ing that the only safe­guard to pre­vent such a move would be an activist court.
Gold­berg made the com­ments dur­ing Wednesday’s broad­cast of the ABC mid­day talk show “The View,” where she com­plained that the Ari­zona Supreme Court was fight­ing to move things back­ward when it upheld an 1864 law — which pre­dat­ed Arizona’s state­hood — ban­ning most abor­tions.

ABC News’s Whoopi Gold­berg open­ly claims, with­out evi­dence, that Repub­li­cans “want to bring slav­ery back“She goes on to demand pro­gres­sive-activist jus­tices on the S …