Biden’s For­mer Chief Of Staff Wants Him To Stop Talk­ing About Bridges

Posted in Trump
Biden’s Former Chief Of Staff Wants Him To Stop Talking About Bridges

For­mer White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain wish­es Pres­i­dent Joe Biden would stop talk­ing about bridges and focus more of his atten­tion on eco­nom­ic issues.
Biden’s for­mer top man told POLITICO that while there was cer­tain­ly noth­ing wrong with Biden talk­ing about infra­struc­ture, even the great­est accom­plish­ments might not move the nee­dle if the Amer­i­can peo­ple were wor­ried about day-to-day issues like the cost of gas, gro­ceries, and rent.
“I think the pres­i­dent is out there too much talk­ing about bridges,” Klain lament­ed. “He does two or three events a week where he’s cut­ting a rib­bon on a bridge. And here …