Mil­lion­aire Whoopi Dis­miss­es High Food Prices, Whines About Com­mute

Millionaire Whoopi Dismisses High Food Prices, Whines About Commute

ABC’s mil­lion­aire mod­er­a­tor, Whoopi Gold­berg was in a foul mood dur­ing Thursday’s edi­tion of The View because for­mer White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain dared to say Pres­i­dent Biden should focus his reelec­tion mes­sage on issues that aver­age Amer­i­cans were con­cerned with such as infla­tion and high gro­cery prices. She repeat­ed­ly shout­ed down any attempt to sug­gest he had the pow­er to cur­tail infla­tion but then went on about how expen­sive her com­mute was as if Bi …