MSNBC Com­pares Netanyahu to Ser­bian War Crim­i­nal, Claim ‘Geno­cide’

MSNBC Compares Netanyahu to Serbian War Criminal, Claim ‘Genocide’

Last evening on The Rei­d­Out, MSNBC host Joy Reid and her guest, author Peter Maass, com­pared the war in Gaza and Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu to the geno­ci­dal Yugoslav Wars and Ser­bian war crim­i­nal Slo­bo­dan Miloše­vić. Maass, a jour­nal­ist who cov­ered the war in Bosnia, described how the media reports he has been read­ing about Gaza sound very sim­i­lar to what he wit­nessed in the 1990s.
Reid opened the inter­view with the ques­tion, “Why do you say that it is geno­cide?” To which Maass quick­ly …