REVEALED: Biden Team Pres­sures Snopes, USA Today Into More Favor­able Spin

REVEALED: Biden Team Pressures Snopes, USA Today Into More Favorable Spin

Every White House team seeks to pres­sure the media into more favor­able cov­er­age. It’s only nat­ur­al to dis­cov­er Team Biden can have their way in influ­enc­ing lib­er­al oper­a­tions to edit things they’ve already post­ed. But it usu­al­ly hap­pens on the “down low,” where there’s no proven con­nec­tion.
Thomas Cate­nac­ci at report­ed on Thurs­day that changed a rat­ing on of their fact checks from “Mix­ture” to “False” in an arti­cle head­lined “Is Biden Admin­is­tra­tion Ban­ning Gas Stoves Over Cli­mate Change Con­cerns?”
Nur Ibrahim of Snopes not­ed Richard Trum­ka Jr., a mem­ber of the Con­sumer Prod­uct Safe­ty Com­mis­sion (CPSC), said such a ban was “on the table.”
“This is a hid­den haz­ard,” Trum­ka told Bloomberg at the time. “Any option is on the table. Prod­ucts that can’t be made safe can be banned.”
A month ear­li­er, Trum­ka said reg­u­lat­ing gas stoves needs to be a pri­or­i­ty “whether it’s dras­ti­cal­ly reduc­ing emis­sions or ban­ning gas stoves entire­ly” because of their cli­mate and health impacts, CBS News report­ed.

But Snopes, which orig­i­na …