RFK Jr fires cam­paign staffer who claimed beat­ing Biden was top pri­or­i­ty

RFK Jr fires campaign staffer who claimed beating Biden was top priority

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign fired an employ­ee after she mis­rep­re­sent­ed her role in the cam­paign and claimed that beat­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in 2024 was the “No. 1 pri­or­i­ty.” 
The cam­paign direc­tor for Kennedy’s inde­pen­dent race claimed on Wednes­day night they “imme­di­ate­ly ter­mi­nat­ed” employ­ee Rita Pal­ma after a video of her com­ments on Biden came under scruti­ny. 
“We ter­mi­nat­ed her con­tract for mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion imme­di­ate­ly upon see­ing the longer video in which she gave an inac­cu­rate job title and described a con­ver­sa­tion that did not hap­pen,” Kennedy’s cam­paign direc­tor and daugh­ter-in-law Amaryl­lis Fox Kennedy post­ed to X.
It is not clear when the ter­mi­na­tion occurred, but the video attract­ed atten­tion ear­li­er this we …