Den­ver To Cut Police, Fire Dept. Spend­ing To Help Pay For Ille­gal Immi­grant Cri­sis: Report

Denver To Cut Police, Fire Dept. Spending To Help Pay For Illegal Immigrant Crisis: Report

The city of Den­ver announced bud­get cuts to some depart­ments this week, includ­ing the police, sher­iff, and fire depart­ments, to allo­cate more fund­ing for ille­gal immi­grants who have over­whelmed Colorado’s cap­i­tal.
Demo­c­ra­t­ic Den­ver May­or Mike John­ston announced the cuts on Wednes­day, cel­e­brat­ing the move as a way to avoid “the worst-case bud­get cut sce­nar­ios.” The “New­com­er Pro­gram Strat­e­gy” is a near­ly $90 mil­lion bud­get plan that funds aid and shel­ter­ing for ille­gal immi­grants through the rest of 2024, Fox 31 report­ed. To pay for the ille­gal immi­grant plan, the Demo­c­rat-run city will cut police spend­ing by $8.4 mil­lion and fire depart­ment spend­ing by $2.5 mil­lion, while the Sheriff’s Depart­ment …