Rays’ sta­di­um, devel­op­ment dis­trict to exceed ini­tial cost esti­mates: Report

Rays’ stadium, development district to exceed initial cost estimates: Report

(The Cen­ter Square) — A new report shows that a new Tam­pa Rays sta­di­um could cost tax­pay­ers far more than ini­tial­ly thought.
The new sta­di­um for the Tam­pa Bay Rays would include the devel­op­ment of 65 acres in the his­toric Gas Plant Dis­trict that sur­rounds the field, which would offer afford­able hous­ing, shop­ping and enter­tain­ment venues at an ini­tial cost esti­mate of $1.3 bil­lion.
The cost of the project would be shared between the City of St. Peters­burg, Pinel­las Coun­ty and the Tam­pa Bay Rays’ own­er­ship group Rays-Hines.
The city would pay an esti­mat­ed $287.5 mil­lio …