Har­ris casts blame for Ari­zona abor­tion ban: ‘Trump did this’

Harris casts blame for Arizona abortion ban: ‘Trump did this’

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris lashed out at for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and pledged to restore Roe v. Wade dur­ing an abor­tion-focused speech in Ari­zona.
“This fight is about free­dom,” Har­ris said. “And the free­dom that is fun­da­men­tal to the promise of Amer­i­ca. … That includes the free­dom to make deci­sions about one’s own body and not have the gov­ern­ment telling peo­ple what to do.”
Har­ris has become the Biden administration‘s top spokesper­son on the issue of abor­tion since the Supreme Court in 2022 over­turned Roe, the court’s five-decade-old deci­sion that grant­ed abor­tion rights.
Friday’s speech in Tuc­son was announced with­in hours of an Ari­zona Supreme Court deci­sion that rein­stat­ed an 1864 law ban­ning near­ly all abor­tions.
“They have …