House Votes To Pass FISA Reau­tho­riza­tion. But There’s A Catch.

House Votes To Pass FISA Reauthorization. But There’s A Catch.

The GOP-led House vot­ed on Fri­day to pass a bill that would reau­tho­rize Sec­tion 702 of the For­eign Intel­li­gence Sur­veil­lance Act (FISA) ahead of its expi­ra­tion dead­line next week, but the leg­is­la­tion has one final hur­dle to pass before going to the Sen­ate.
Rep. Anna Pauli­na Luna (R‑FL), one of the mem­bers demand­ing a war­rant require­ment, object­ed to the final pas­sage and sought a vote on a motion to recon­sid­er. Intel­li­gence Chair­man Mike Turn­er (R‑OH) moved to table it, but a record­ed vote was post­poned.

Rep. Anna Pauli­na Luna (R‑FL), after the House passed the FISA Sec­tion 702 reau­tho­riza­tion bill 273–147, object­ed to its pas­sage and request­ed a record­ed vote on the motion to recon­sid­er.
— The Recount (@th …