John­son catch­es heat for ‘tiebreak­er’ vote on FISA war­rants

Johnson catches heat for ‘tiebreaker’ vote on FISA warrants

House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) is fac­ing back­lash from mem­bers of his par­ty after he opposed an amend­ment to the For­eign Intel­li­gence Sur­veil­lance Act that failed on the House floor in a tie vote.
The amend­ment, which would have required the gov­ern­ment to obtain a war­rant to query the data of peo­ple caught up in for­eign sur­veil­lance, failed to attract the need­ed votes to pass on Fri­day, with the cham­ber dead­lock­ing 212–212. In the event of a tie, an amend­ment on the House floor fails, per cham­ber rules.
The out­come angered sev­er­al House Repub­li­cans who arg …