Will News­Guard Demote NPR’s Per­fect Rat­ing After Rev­e­la­tions of Lib­er­al Bias?

Will NewsGuard Demote NPR’s Perfect Rating After Revelations of Liberal Bias?

On Tues­day, Nation­al Pub­lic Radio busi­ness edi­tor Uri Berlin­er blew the whis­tle on the station’s “assem­bly line” of lib­er­al­ly biased report­ing, which he said was being cranked out “one sto­ry after anoth­er” framed with the left­ist world­view. The expose put NPR under the micro­scope and put a seri­ous blem­ish on the orga­ni­za­tion. But the ques­tion now is: will that blem­ish final­ly force media-scor­ing agency News­Guard to down­grade NPR’s per­fect 100/100 rat­ing?
In his essay enti­tled “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust,” B …