Brooks Sug­gests Vot­ing For Trump Makes Pro-Lif­ers Hyp­o­crit­i­cal

Don­ald Trump may have dis­ap­point­ed pro-life activists with his embrace of a fed­er­al­ist stance on abor­tion, but with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden being a far-left abor­tion zealot, they will still vote for him. For New York Times colum­nist David Brooks on Friday’s PBS New­sHour, how­ev­er, this is just anoth­er instance of “the pow­er of Trump” and “above some of the core con­vic­tions.”
Host Geoff Ben­nett asked Brooks for his thoughts on the fall­out of the Ari­zona Supreme Court’s rul­ing that an 1864 …