Trump los­es mas­sive lead he built up over Biden: Poll

Trump loses massive lead he built up over Biden: Poll

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has lost almost all of his ear­ly lead over Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in a new poll released Sat­ur­day, which showed the can­di­dates with­in the mar­gin of error.
Trump is tech­ni­cal­ly still lead­ing with a 1‑point mar­gin in the New York Times-Siena poll, with the sup­port of 46% of the respon­dents, com­pared to Biden’s 45% if the elec­tion was just between the two major par­ty can­di­dates. But the num­bers are sig­nif­i­cant­ly clos­er than ear­li­er results, includ­ing clos­er than February’s poll, which saw Trump lead­ing by 5%.
When asked who sur­vey respon­dents would vote for in a wider con­text that includ­ed third-par­ty can­di­dates, Trump had a 2% lead with 42% of the vote com­pared to Biden’s 40%. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was the can­di­date with the third high­est vote with 2%, though 7% said they would not vote if those were the can­di­dates on the bal­lot.
The close results come as both cam­paigns pre­pare for a tight elec­tion in Novem­ber, w …