No, Symone! A Third-Par­ty Can­di­date Won’t Deprive Biden or Trump of 270 Elec­toral Votes

<div>No, Symone! A Third-Party Candidate Won't Deprive Biden or Trump of 270 Electoral Votes</div>

I don’t mean to pick on Symone Sanders Townsend.
But for the sec­ond time in as many weeks, the co-anchor of MSNBC’s The Week­end has exposed a dis­turb­ing knowl­edge deficit. Last week, we caught Symone accus­ing Don­ald Trump, in his inau­gur­al address, of “promis­ing car­nage.” In fact, he promised to “stop” car­nage, of the sort that keeps “moth­ers and chil­dren trapped in pover­ty in our inner cities.”
Today, in a seg­ment devot­ed to trash­ing third-par­ty can­di­dates because of the like­li­hood that they would take votes from Biden, Sanders revealed her unfa­mil­iar­i­ty with the way that Elec­toral Col­lege votes are award­ed. Sanders:

“I think now more than any of our past recent elec­tions, that third-par­ty can­di­dates are a true, true threat to Joe Biden, but also to 270, peri­od. Our Con­sti­tu­tion says, to be the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, you have to win 270 Elec­toral Col­lege votes. Not 269, not that major­i­ty rules all … Now, what if Joe Biden is denied 270? …