Social Secu­ri­ty update: Sec­ond round of April’s pay­ments worth $4,873 goes out in four days

Social Security update: Second round of April’s payments worth ,873 goes out in four days

The sec­ond of April’s three Social Secu­ri­ty pay­ments, worth up to $4,873 for the high­est income earn­ers who retire at 70, will go out to the next group of retirees in four days.
The next round will go out on April 17, to ben­e­fi­cia­ries that were born on or between the 11th and 20th of the month, accord­ing to the Social Secu­ri­ty Administration’s cal­en­dar. 
Peo­ple born on or after the 21st of their birth month will receive their checks on Wednes­day, April 24, while those born on or before the 10th of the month got their checks on April 10.
The max­i­mum pay­ment that a retiree can receive depends on cer­tain fac­tors, such as their age at the time of retire­ment, the amount they paid into Social Secu­ri­ty, and the num­ber of years they paid into the pro­gram. But the age of retire­ment is the biggest fac­tor.
The high­est amount that a senior who retires at 70 can get is $4,873 per month. If peo­ple retire at the full retire­ment age of 67, their max­i­mum ben­e­fit is $3,822 per month, accord­ing to the SSA. Peo­ple that …