US law­mak­ers will move for­ward with leg­is­la­tion back­ing Israel fol­low­ing Iran­ian attack

US lawmakers will move forward with legislation backing Israel following Iranian attack

Con­gress will advance leg­is­la­tion sup­port­ing Israel fol­low­ing an attack by Iran over the week­end, top House lead­ers announced on Sat­ur­day.
The House will adjust its pre­vi­ous­ly deter­mined sched­ule to include votes on leg­is­la­tion “that sup­ports our ally Israel and holds Iran and its ter­ror­ist prox­ies account­able,” House Major­i­ty Leader Steve Scalise (R‑LA) said in a state­ment. It’s not clear what the leg­is­la­tion will entail, but it marks a change in course for law­mak­ers as they have dis­agreed for months on how to pro­vide aid to Israel.
“The House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives stands strong­ly with Israel, and there must be con­se­quences for this unpro­voked attack,” Scalise said. “More details on the leg­isla­tive items to be con­sid­ered will be forth­comin …