WSJ SCOOP: New York Times Boss­es ‘Seek to Quash Rebel­lion in the News­room’

<div>WSJ SCOOP: New York Times Bosses 'Seek to Quash Rebellion in the Newsroom'</div>

Wall Street Jour­nal news-indus­try reporter Alexan­dra Bru­ell broke a sto­ry on Fri­day about man­agers at The New York Times strug­gling with the intol­er­ance of new employ­ees who are “apply­ing ide­o­log­i­cal puri­ty tests” to sto­ries on “sen­si­tive top­ics like the trans­gen­der com­mu­ni­ty and social jus­tice.” Those kids com­ing out of col­lege don’t bow to the wis­dom of their elders who may still want to por­tray them­selves as neu­tral and inde­pen­dent of ide­o­log­i­cal camps.
The Bru­ell sto­ry was head­lined:

New York Times Boss­es Seek to Quash Rebel­lion in the News­room
After inter­nal upheaval over cov­er­age of sen­si­tive top­ics like the Israel-Gaza war, man­age­ment r …