Con­necti­cut law­mak­ers mov­ing to restrict ‘faith­less’ elec­tors

Connecticut lawmakers moving to restrict ‘faithless’ electors

(The Cen­ter Square) — Con­necti­cut has nev­er had a “faith­less” elec­tor who refused to cer­ti­fy the results of a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, but some state law­mak­ers argue there needs to be a law pre­vent­ing it.
A leg­isla­tive pro­pos­al, which recent­ly cleared a key com­mit­tee, would nul­li­fy the elec­toral vote of a so-called “faith­less” pres­i­den­tial elec­tor in Con­necti­cut who fails to cast their bal­lot for the can­di­dates that the elec­tor ran on the offi­cial bal­lot.
It would also allow indi­vid­ual cit­ize …