Israel should con­sid­er destroy­ing Iran’s nuclear weapons pro­gram after strikes: Bolton

Israel should consider destroying Iran’s nuclear weapons program after strikes: Bolton

Fol­low­ing Iran’s attack on Israel Sat­ur­day, for­mer White House nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er, John Bolton, laid out dif­fer­ent tar­gets Israel could con­sid­er to retal­i­ate against Iran. 
On CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tap­per, Bolton had var­i­ous sug­ges­tions about attacks Israel could con­sid­er. He said that unless Iran sees a pow­er­ful deter­rence from Israel, attacks will con­tin­ue. 
“The way you reestab­lish deter­rence is not pro­por­tion­al, that’s aca­d­e­m­ic talk,” Bolton said. “The way you estab­lish deter­rence is by telling your adver­sary ‘if you ever try that again the price you will pay will be so much high­er than any gain you think you can get you shouldn’t even think about it.”
“Israel has a wide range of poten­tial tar­gets. You start by flat­ten­ing Iran’s air defens …