PBS Pan­el Sees Per­il for GOP on Abor­tion, Touts ‘Pow­er­ful’ Biden Ad on ‘Trump Did This’

Abor­tion is back in the news with a vengeance, after the Ari­zona Supreme Court rein­stat­ed a Civ­il War era ban on abor­tion and can­di­date Don­ald Trump react­ed with a mod­er­ate, fed­er­al­ist stance on abor­tion, dis­ap­point­ing some in the pro-life move­ment and mak­ing him an unfair fig­ure of mock­ery in the main­stream press.
Friday’s episode of pub­lic television’s week­ly round­table pan­el Wash­ing­ton Week with The Atlantic was dom­i­nat­ed by abor­tion pol­i­tics as a life­saver for the Democ­rats (if not for the vic­tims of abor­tion).
Guest mod­er­a­tor Franklin Foer of The Atlantic set the table:

FRANKLIN FOER: Arizona’s Supre …