Sounds Absurd: CNN’s Elie Honig Under­lines Weak­ness of Alvin Brag­g’s Case Against Trump

<div>Sounds Absurd: CNN's Elie Honig Underlines Weakness of Alvin Bragg's Case Against Trump</div>

CNN’s legal ana­lyst Elie Honig writ­ing in a Cafe Brief newslet­ter that was reprint­ed in New York mag­a­zine on Fri­day pre­sent­ed both the pro and anti Trump ways of look­ing at the Alvin Bragg case that takes place on April 15 in Man­hat­tan. It is obvi­ous which of the two point of view that Honig thinks is most real­is­tic in “Don­ald Trump’s Tri­al Is a Rorschach Test.”

…The crime is a paper­work offense relat­ing to how Trump and his busi­ness­es logged a series of per­fect­ly legal (if unseem­ly) hush-mon­ey pay­ments in their own inter­nal records. The prosecution’s star wit­ness is a con­vict­ed per­jur­er and fraud­ster who open­ly spews vit­ri­ol at the defen­dant, often in grotesque terms, essen­tial­ly for a liv­ing.
The famous­ly aggres­sive feds at the South­ern Dis­trict of New York passed on the case years ago, and cur­rent Man­hat­tan dis­trict attor­ney Alvin Bragg’s pre­de­ces­sor could have indict­ed before he left office but did not. The charges are either mis­de­meanors or the low­est-lev­el …