Speak­er John­son blasts ‘open bor­der Democ­rats’ amid stalled bor­der leg­is­la­tion

Speaker Johnson blasts ‘open border Democrats’ amid stalled border legislation

House Speak­er Mike John­son argued that “open bor­der Democ­rats” are drag­ging their feet on secur­ing the bor­der, stat­ing that House Repub­li­cans have pro­vid­ed leg­is­la­tion that would secure it.
John­son made his claim amid grow­ing crit­i­cism over his lead­er­ship, specif­i­cal­ly for how House Repub­li­cans have not yet pro­vid­ed increased bor­der secu­ri­ty along the south­ern bor­der. The House speak­er con­tend­ed that he and his fel­low Repub­li­cans have passed bills to help secure the bor­der, but that they are cur­rent­ly await­ing a vote in the Sen­ate, which the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty cur­rent­ly con­trols.
“See, the open bor­der Democ­rats con­trol the Sen­ate and the White House, obvi­ous­ly,” John­son said on Fox News’s Sun­day Morn­ing Futures with Maria Bar­tiro­mo. “So we’ve not been able to have …