Speak­er John­son Says House Will ‘Try Again’ With Israel Aid Fol­low­ing Iran Attack

Speaker Johnson Says House Will ‘Try Again’ With Israel Aid Following Iran Attack

The House will again move to pass leg­is­la­tion pro­vid­ing aid to Israel in response to a drone and mis­sile attack from Iran, Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) said on Sun­day.
Repub­li­cans “under­stand the neces­si­ty of stand­ing with Israel,” John­son told Fox News anchor Maria Bar­tiro­mo, adding, “We’re going to try again this week, and the details of that pack­age are being put togeth­er.”
Dur­ing the inter­view on “Sun­day Morn­ing Futures,” John­son sug­gest­ed the pack­age could pro­vide emer­gency sup­port to oth­er coun­tries as well, not­ing that law­mak­ers are “look­ing at the options and all these sup­ple­men­tal issues.”
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John­son addressed the debate over pro­vid­ing more aid to Ukraine, too, while dis­cussing his vis­it with for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump in Flori­da on Fri­day.

“He and I are 100% unit­ed on these big agen­da items,” John­son said …