Biden Cam­paign To Hire DEI Direc­tor With Up To $120k Salary

Biden Campaign To Hire DEI Director With Up To 0k Salary

The Biden cam­paign recent­ly announced that it is hir­ing a diver­si­ty, equi­ty, and inclu­sion (DEI) direc­tor who will be respon­si­ble for the campaign’s DEI strat­e­gy and receive a salary of up to $120,000.
The role, recent­ly adver­tised online, will pay between $95,000 and $120,000, with the direc­tor being respon­si­ble for DEI strat­e­gy and pro­gram­ming on the Biden cam­paign, edu­cat­ing staff on the top­ic and even influ­enc­ing hir­ing prac­tices.
“The DEI Direc­tor will focus on cre­at­ing and exe­cut­ing a com­pre­hen­sive strat­e­gy to attract and sup­port diverse tal­ent to fu …