Left­ist Activist Threat­ens To Mur­der Gov­ern­ment Offi­cials, Imme­di­ate­ly Regrets It

Leftist Activist Threatens To Murder Government Officials, Immediately Regrets It

It’s dif­fi­cult to pre­dict exact­ly what World War III might look like, but this week­end, we got a pre­view of how a lot of peo­ple will react if and when it does break out. And what we saw wasn’t very encour­ag­ing.
It was sort of like a scene out of “Dr. Strangelove,” crossed with the depress­ing parts of “Dumb and Dumb­er” play­ing out all over the coun­try. This was a spec­ta­cle that, unless you were glued to cable news or social media …