Boebert’s lag­ging fundrais­ing in Col­orado dis­trict gets boost from George San­tos

Boebert’s lagging fundraising in Colorado district gets boost from George Santos

Rep. Lau­ren Boe­bert (R‑CO) raised less than half a mil­lion in the first quar­ter of 2024, her worst fundrais­ing haul in near­ly four years.
The Col­orado Repub­li­can is run­ning in for­mer Rep. Ken Buck‘s 4th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict after switch­ing seats late last year.
Yet, Boe­bert, who rep­re­sents her state’s 3rd Dis­trict, only raised rough­ly $462,403 in the first three months of 2024 and has $979,799 cash on hand, accord­ing to a Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion fil­ing report.
The amount raised is far below the $540,000 she hauled in the last three months of 2023.
Notably, oust­ed New York Rep. George San­tos donat­ed $400 to Boe­bert despite his own lag­ging cam­paign.
San­tos raised $0 for his come­back cam­paign com­mit­tee against New York Rep. Nick LaLota (R‑NY), an embar­rass­ing sum for the dis­graced for­mer con­gress­man. He also did not report spend­ing any mon­ey, call­ing into doubt the sin­cer­i­ty of his cam­paign.
San­tos did not qual­i­fy for the GOP pri­ma­ry in June but said he’s run­ning as an inde­pen­dent.
Ear­li­er this month, Boe­bert secured the top spot for the GOP pri­ma­ry to suc­ceed Buck, receiv­ing 41% sup­port from the 527 del­e­gates.

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