MRC UnCen­sored: How Poli­ti­Fact Cod­dles ‘Fib­ber-in-Chief-Biden’

MRC UnCensored: How PolitiFact Coddles ‘Fibber-in-Chief-Biden’

News­Busters Exec­u­tive Edi­tor Tim Gra­ham exposed the insane left­ist bias of the left­ist Face­book fact-check­er Poli­ti­Fact in a new study released April 9. 
Dur­ing the April 12 episode of MRC’s UnCen­sored, Gra­ham told MRC Free Speech Amer­i­ca Vice Pres­i­dent Dan Schnei­der that this “fact-check­er” applies wild­ly dif­fer­ent stan­dards to Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans, but espe­cial­ly to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. Schnei­der and Gra­ham made clear that Poli­ti­Fact goes all out to pro­tect Biden, whom Schnei­der called the “Fib­ber-in-Chief,” from the fall­out of his “noto­ri­ous lies.”  Poli­ti­Fact is housed with­in the George Soros-tied Poyn­ter Insti­tute for Media Stud­ies, which the left­ist bil­lion­aire gave at least $492,000 toward its dystopi­an Inter­na­tion­al Fact-Check­ing Net­work (IFCN). 
On April 9, Mar­shall pub­lished his find­ings on PolitiFact’s ram­pant bias, show­ing that a whop­ping 75% of Repub­li­can state­ments fact-checked by Poli­ti­Fact received a rat­ing of “most­ly false,” …