Pro-Pales­tin­ian pro­test­ers block traf­fic in major cities a day after Iran strikes Israel

Pro-Palestinian protesters block traffic in major cities a day after Iran strikes Israel

Pro­test­ers in Chica­go, Philadel­phia, and Oak­land and on the Gold­en Gate Bridge in San Fran­cis­co dis­rupt­ed traf­fic on Mon­day, with many crit­i­ciz­ing Israel just hours after Iran launched a sig­nif­i­cant but inef­fec­tive aer­i­al attack on the coun­try. 
At least two of those protests are asso­ci­at­ed with A15 Action, which states on its web­site it aims “to coor­di­nate a mul­ti-city eco­nom­ic block­ade on April 15th in sol­i­dar­i­ty with Pales­tine.” 
The web­site lists 20 loca­tions in the Unit­ed States where protests will be staged with the plan to “iden­ti­fy and block­ade major choke points in the econ­o­my, focus­ing on points of pro­duc­tion and cir­cu­la­tion with the aim of caus­ing the most eco­nom­ic impact.”
The protest on the Gold­en Gate Bridge has blocked both direc­tions of traff …