Biden makes pop­ulist tax pitch in Scran­ton while attack­ing Trump over bil­lion­aire friend­li­ness

Biden makes populist tax pitch in Scranton while attacking Trump over billionaire friendliness

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden repeat­ed­ly lam­bast­ed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump over his tax poli­cies dur­ing a cam­paign stop at his child­hood home­town of Scran­ton, Penn­syl­va­nia, on Tues­day after­noon.
The speech sought to con­trast Biden’s mid­dle-class home­town of Scran­ton with Trump’s ritzy Mar-a-Lago res­i­dence in Flori­da, his inher­i­tance, and his friend­li­ness with the bil­lion­aire class.
Biden’s three-day swing in the key bat­tle­ground state coin­cides with Trump’s New York crim­i­nal case. The for­mer pres­i­dent is required to spend four out of five work days in court while Biden is hold­ing cam­paign ral­lies.
Dur­ing the speech, Biden tout­ed his plan to raise tax­es for the high­est earn­ers in the Unit­ed States if he is reelect­ed pres­i­dent and firm­ly reject­ed Trump’s embrace of trick­le-down eco­nom­ics.
“My plan calls for a min­i­mum fed­er­al income tax of 25%, just 25%, on bil­lion­aires, well below the top rate …