Biden push­es for the tax hikes on the rich that have most­ly elud­ed him so far

Biden pushes for the tax hikes on the rich that have mostly eluded him so far

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is cam­paign­ing on tax hikes on the wealthy and cor­po­ra­tions of the kind that he has most­ly failed to imple­ment thus far.
Biden will make stops on Tues­day in his home state of Penn­syl­va­nia, where he will use the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­trast his tax pol­i­cy vision with that of his oppo­nent, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. Biden has advo­cat­ed high­er tax­es, although he has said his pro­pos­als wouldn’t raise tax­es for any­one earn­ing less than $400,000 annu­al­ly.
“Start­ing tomor­row in Scran­ton, the day after Tax Day, the pres­i­dent will out­line how Trump’s tax plan is a hand­out to the rich and leaves the mid­dle class hold­ing the bag,” Biden cam­paign com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor Michael Tyler said on a call with reporters ahead of the trip.
Some of Biden’s biggest tax pro­pos­als have failed, thanks to oppo­si­tion from Repub­li­cans and mem­bers of his own par­ty. Here is a look at the tax poli­cies Biden has pushed for and those that have made it through.
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