Truth Social to launch its own live TV stream­ing plat­form

Truth Social to launch its own live TV streaming platform

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s social media plat­form is prepar­ing to launch its own stream­ing ser­vice, which will play live tele­vi­sion and oth­er pro­grams.
Trump Media & Tech­nol­o­gy Group Cor­po­ra­tion, the oper­a­tor of Truth Social, has revealed that it has been con­duct­ing tests on the plat­form for six months, and that it is ready to move for­ward. The con­tent fea­tured on this plat­form will focus on live tele­vi­sion from news net­works and reli­gious chan­nels, and will also include con­tent being sup­pressed on oth­er ser­vices.
“We’re excit­ed to move for­ward with the next big phase for Truth Social,” TMTG CEO Devin Nunes said. “With our stream­ing con­tent, we aim to pro­vide a per­ma­nent home for high-qual­i­ty news and enter­tain­ment that face dis­crim­i­na­tion by oth­er chan­nels and con­tent deliv­ery ser­vices. There is a lot of great con­tent that sim­ply can’t find an audi­ence for unjust rea­sons, and we want to let these cre­ators know they’ll soon have a guar­an­teed plat­form where they won’t be can­celled.”

The down­load screen for the Truth Social app is seen on a lap­top, Wednes­day, Marc …