‘Colum­bia in cri­sis’: Ivy League pres­i­dent to tes­ti­fy about anti­semitism before Con­gress

‘Columbia in crisis’: Ivy League president to testify about antisemitism before Congress

Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Pres­i­dent Nemat Shafik is set to tes­ti­fy before Con­gress about anti­semitism on Wednes­day in a sequel to the Decem­ber tes­ti­mo­ny in which two Ivy League pres­i­dents sparked out­rage in refus­ing to say that calls for geno­cide against Jew­ish stu­dents vio­late school pol­i­cy.
Shafik will be grilled by the Com­mit­tee on Edu­ca­tion and the Work­force just four months after for­mer Har­vard Pres­i­dent Clau­dine Gay and Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Pres­i­dent Sal­ly Korn­bluth tes­ti­fied before Con­gress. The hear­ing is titled “Colum­bia in Cri­sis: Colum­bia University’s Response to Anti­semitism.”
“Many of our lead­ing aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tions have been warped by igno­rance and back­wards ide­olo­gies,” Rep. Kevin Ki …