New study casts doubt on cli­mate basis for Biden LNG pause

New study casts doubt on climate basis for Biden LNG pause

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Liq­ue­fied nat­ur­al gas export­ed from the Unit­ed States is sig­nif­i­cant­ly clean­er than most of the alter­na­tive fuels avail­able in Europe, a new report found, a find­ing that chal­lenges the basis for lib­er­al Democ­rats’ oppo­si­tion to new export ter­mi­nals for LNG.
The new study has par­tic­u­lar sig­nif­i­cance in light of the Biden administration’s pause on approvals of new LNG export ter­mi­nals ear­li­er this year to con­sid­er the effects of new facil­i­ties on the cli­mate. That deci­sion has sparked intense back­lash from indus­try groups and Repub­li­cans in Con­gress, who argued the pause could risk glob­al ener­gy secu­ri­ty and risk dri­ving allies into the hands of Rus­sia and oth­er adver­saries. 
The report, con­duct­ed by Berke­ley Research Group and com­mis­sioned by the U.S. trade group LNG Allies, found that the aver­age emis­sions inten­si­ty of U.S. LNG exports to Europe is 53% low­er than emis­sions from coal-fired pow­er plants with­in the bloc and 8% low­er than emis­sions from total piped gas imports to the bloc.
U.S. LNG green­house gas emis­sions had a 29% and 19% low­er emis­sions pro­file com­pared to piped gas sup­plies from Rus­sia and Alge­ria, respec­tive­ly. 
U.S. LNG emis­sions were high­er than piped gas emis­sions from Nor­way and Azer­bai­jan, how­ev­er — at 35% and 4%, respec­tive­ly.
The report, based on more than two years of research, is the most com­pre­hen­sive study to date com­par­ing life­cy­cle emis­sions from U.S. LNG to oth­er fos­sil fuel emis­sions. 
The U.S. has sev­en …