Stephen A. Smith blasts Democ­rats over Trump tri­als: ‘Scared you can’t beat him’

Stephen A. Smith blasts Democrats over Trump trials: ‘Scared you can’t beat him’

Sports media per­son­al­i­ty Stephen A. Smith crit­i­cized Democ­rats for their push to pros­e­cute Don­ald Trump, say­ing they are reit­er­at­ing the for­mer president’s claim that the tri­als are a polit­i­cal stunt.
Smith’s com­ment comes as Trump’s hush mon­ey tri­al began jury selec­tion this week amid his 2024 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. Trump is fac­ing 88 felony charges across four indict­ments. Smith argued that Democ­rats ought to focus on beat­ing him on the cam­paign trail instead of in the court­room.
“To my lib­er­al friends out there, all you’re doing is show­ing that you’re scared you can’t beat him on the issues and the mer­its,” Smith said. “That’s why he keeps say­ing it’s a polit­i­cal cam­paign against me. That’s why he keeps say­ing they can’t beat me at the elec­tion, at the polls — this is the only way they can do it.”

Smith added that many vot­ers see the extent to which “the oth­er side” is will­ing to go to keep Trump out of the White House, and that “we’ll nev­er have peace in this coun­try” because of it.
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