Tuesday’s spe­cial elec­tion to decide con­trol of Michi­gan House

Tuesday’s special election to decide control of Michigan House

(The Cen­ter Square) – A Tues­day spe­cial elec­tion could return a Demo­c­rat major­i­ty to the Michi­gan House or give Repub­li­cans con­trol of one cham­ber.
The elec­tion will fill two seats opened after Demo­c­rat Reps. Lori Stone of War­ren and Kevin Cole­man of West­land won may­oral races leav­ing a 54–54 dead­lock in the House.
In War­ren, Demo­c­rat Mai Xiong will face Repub­li­can Ronald Singer while in West­land, Demo­c­rat Peter Herzberg will com­pete against Repub­li­can Josh Pow­ell for the Dis­trict 25 seat.
The race will deter­mine whether Democ­rats keep the …