X Says It Lost Adver­tis­ers After ‘Anti-Mis­in­for­ma­tion’ Firm Ped­dled Mis­in­for­ma­tion

X Says It Lost Advertisers After ‘Anti-Misinformation’ Firm Peddled Misinformation

Dozens of major brands said they could not adver­tise on X because of a poor rat­ing from a third-par­ty “brand safe­ty” firm that now admits it made a mis­take, the social media plat­form says.
Dou­bleV­er­i­fy, a firm that rates dig­i­tal plat­forms such as X based on how they han­dle ques­tion­able con­tent like racism or “mis­in­for­ma­tion,” acknowl­edged it made a mis­take with its rat­ing of bil­lion­aire Elon Musk’s social media plat­form.
“Dou­bleV­er­i­fy recent­ly dis­cov­ered a graph­i­cal error in the dis­play of X’ …