Vul­ner­a­ble Sen­ate Democ­rats out-fundraise Repub­li­can chal­lengers in key swing state races

Vulnerable Senate Democrats out-fundraise Republican challengers in key swing state races

Sen­ate Democ­rats are padding their war chests, rais­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly more mon­ey than many of their Repub­li­can coun­ter­parts in the first three months of this year, accord­ing to cam­paign finance records.
The Demo­c­ra­t­ic incum­bents who are most at risk of los­ing their seats this Novem­ber, such as Sens. Sher­rod Brown (D‑OH) and Jon Tester (D‑MT), post­ed some of the high­est fundrais­ing totals. How­ev­er, even with the major fundrais­ing haul, the bat­tle­field for Democ­rats to defend their slim 51–49 gov­ern­ing major­i­ty still tilts upward.
Brown, who run­ning for a fourth term in Ohio, has raised close to $34 mil­lion, a num­ber that includes the $12 mil­lion he report­ed in the first three months of 2024. He closed out March with more than $15.9 mil­lion cash on hand, over nine times more than his Repub­li­can chal­lenger, Bernie Moreno. The Ohio GOP can­di­date, who won his pri­ma­ry last month, raised $3.8 mil­lion, which includ­ed the $1.5 mil­lion he loaned his cam­paign, end­ing the first quar­ter with about $1.7 mil­lion in cam­paign cash.
Mean­while, Tester raised $8 mil­lion in the first quar­ter, out­rais­ing like­ly Repub­li­can oppo­nent Tim Shee­hy by a 3–1 ratio. The haul was the most rai …